Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Week One Hundred and Forty-Four - We Got Spirit. Yes, We Do . . .

There was really only one reason for a return to the 7:30 Sunday mass at St. Ignatius this week.  "Spirit Sunday."  In the good old days, there were balloons and all sorts of hoopla.  These days, the balloons are gone, although there is a parish cook-out which I've never attended - we'll just leave that for the next generation.  The one common denominator over the years, however, has been the "spirit button."  Corny?  Oh yeah.  Required?  Indubitably.  Can't say I have the complete set, having joined the parish after the inaugural button, but I have a few.  Somehow my kids have twice as many as me . . . not sure how that happened.  Trading on the black market, no doubt.

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