Monday, December 28, 2009

I'll Be Home for Christmas

Liturgical Chaos

Although not an official stop on the church caravan, I feel compelled to comment on this past week's attendance at Christmas mass (actually, Christmas Eve mass) at "home base", Saint Ignatius.

Because our family is small, every year, we very purposefully attend the 3:00 Christmas Eve afternoon mass, better known in our house as "Liturgical Chaos." It's the 3:00 mass, but you have to arrive by 2:00 to get a seat. By 2:30, the church is full, and by three, it's standing room only, if you can find a place to stand. To add to the parking lot chaos, there is a second mass running simultaneously at 3:00 in the parish gym. I've never been to that mass, but since it includes a number of children's choirs, I can only assume that it's just as full as the church given the guaranteed large number of parents and grandparents in attendance.

Liturgical chaos is perfect for us. For a brief few hours, we get to live vicariously through the many extended families all that their holiday entails but without the stress or aggravation. Then, it's out to dinner and back home. Ah, a true "silent night." While I'm somewhat envious of those who enjoy a Christmas in a house filled with countless cousins and ear-splitting noise levels, I've grown up at the other end of the spectrum, and it's what I'm accustomed to - for now. Maybe, some day in the future, grandchildren will change all that! I hope so.

Going "back home" to St. Ignatius for the first time in over four months was interesting. I took a look around and what I saw was a large, cavernous behemoth desperately in need of an interior decorator. I can't say I missed it. A few of the regulars may have slightly changed in appearance, but overall, things haven't changed much. I anticipate my next return visit to be on Easter Sunday.

Now, where was I? . . .

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