Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Week One Hundred and Thirty-Two - In which I substitute an art exhibit for mass . . .
How is it even possible that I'm sick AGAIN.  I haven't had a cold in years, and now, in a span of a few short weeks, I've become a virtual virus magnet.  Shoot me.  Just shoot me.  And you can all thank me for not sharing my new-found viral wealth with anyone in church this weekend.  Sigh.

In a desperate attempt to will myself well, however, I did make it to the College of Mt. St. Joseph before the closing of an exhibit there, a print exhibition of several reproduced pages from The Saint John's Bible, "the only handwritten and illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine monastery since the advent of the printing press more than 500 years ago."  I had heard about the exhibit earlier but only took an interest after hearing several glowing reviews from other visitors to the gallery.  They were right.  Crafted from all traditional materials - calfskin vellum, natural inks and handmade pigments, hand-cut feather quills, gold leaf, and more - the result is truly amazing.  Over 1,100 pages long and over 165 pounds in weight, the Bible took 13 years to complete.   Frankly, after seeing the exhibit, I would have expected much longer.  This is a beautiful accomplishment.  It really is, one that I'm still fascinated by.  I'm so glad I hauled myself over there to see it.  If you didn't have a chance to see the exhibit, check out www.saintjohnsbible.org.   

In other news, this weekend begins the series of spring break arrivals and departures.  Sure wish everyone was arriving and departing at the same time.  Suffice it to say that The Tour might bypass March entirely.  Who knows.  For now, just pass me some of that amoxicillin . . .

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