Monday, January 16, 2012

At the Post

Week One Hundred and Twenty-Six - 99.44%

Well, at least, I'm healthy again.  At least, healthier. Not 100%, but well enough to make it up the street this week to St. I's 4:30 Saturday afternoon mass.  Truth is, I probably could have hopped on The Tour bus and made it farther, but an unscheduled trip home from one of the collegians threw me off.  Apparently, every other parishioner had their schedules thrown off too for whatever reason because the mass was unusually crowded.  Odd.  Who are these people?  

I'll never have any great affinity for St. I's Saturday afternoon liturgy, but truth be told, I'm feeling a strange attraction to the ol' stomping grounds these days.  I'd like to blame it on the convenience of going to a church less than two minutes away, but honestly, I'm not sure that's it.  Oh lord . . . this can't be happening . . .  

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