Monday, November 21, 2011


Week One Hundred and Eighteen - St. Jude, Take Two

It's not that I don't have the time to continue visiting the remaining churches on The List, I'm just running a little low on the clock when it comes to writing about them.  Consider this week:  With the very best intentions of finishing up my "Three Joes Walk into a Bar" series, I had my handy-dandy Mapquest directions all printed out and ready for a Sunday morning outing . . . until I realized the upcoming week would be a busy one . . . with few blog-opportunities.  Shoot.  I ended up attending St. Jude's 11:00 Sunday morning mass - not a bad thing, I might add - but writing this pitiful blog entry - a not-so-good thing. 

Alas, dear friends, I may suffer the same fate next weekend. 

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