Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Birds

Week Sixty-Seven - St. Ignatius Loyola, aka, Home Base

4:30 Saturday afternoon mass, St. Ignatius.  The "tour" is becoming more complicated.  I've visited almost all of the churches within a reasonable distance from my home.  As a result, it's now taking more time, more planning, and more gas to visit those churches remaining on the list.  Troubling.  In the meantime, the holiday weekend was pulling me in a number of different directions.  Therefore, at the request of the fam, it was a quick one minute drive down the road to St. I's for Saturday afternoon mass.

The church was surprisingly full . . . who are these people?  Have things really changed that much in one year?  It was less than comforting to realize the only people I recognized were "the old fogies" - my friends' parents, my children's friends' parents.  Guess the next generation has moved in.

I have to say, with the exception of those beaten-beyond-recognition hymnals, St. I's wasn't looking half-bad this go-round.  Something was different.  The popular concensus was that the ceiling had been painted.  Odd, I know.  There was a new cabinet for the holy oils.  Wow . . . the things you notice in the church you've spent the last twenty years in. 

ATTENDANCE:  Comfortably full

DURATION:  One hour

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